Annova Nha Trang Hotel
Booking Instructions

Booking Instructions

Booking Instructions

After reviewing the room information provided on the website, you can choose between the following two options to book a room:

Option 1: Make a direct call to the hotel’s phone number to receive faster advice and to receive exact information on room availability.
Option 2: Visit the hotel’s website to book a room.

Check-in time:

Check in is from 14:00 (early check-in will depend on room availability and the guest may have to pay an extra fee for such a request)
Check out is before 12:00 PM.

*Note: Other services not included in the booking will be charged as per the hotel’s policy.

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PhonePhoneMessenger: Annova Nha Trang Hotel05 Ly Tu Trong, Loc Tho, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam